Sunday, August 23, 2009

Randall and Benny

Dear Teri,
You don't know me but I heard you speak in the Dallas area last year (fall, I think). I was down there visiting my sister and I took her to the YL mtg.
Now, the reason for my email. I have been following Randall's progress and I just have to tell you about a little boy named Benny from the Brainerd, MN area. The very day after Randall's terrible fall, 3 1/2 year old Benny was riding his tricycle and collided with his neighber's car as he backed out of the driveway.Terrible, terrible injuries including the brain.. It has been incredible to follow both Randall and little Benny in their daily struggles.
Just like Randall, many people all over the world are praying for Benny. Just like Randall, Benny got pneumonia in the hospital. Just like Randall, Benny has someone very special to sing to him - his Mom sings in church and together with Benny's Dad, they started a ministry in downtown Brainerd in an area surrounded by bars. As a matter of fact, they were all packed to move to Nebraska to start a similar ministry. I'm so glad Elizabeth Rose sang for her Dad. Since she has returned to college, I hope you still play her music for him. Surely, the angels in heaven are singing through her voice.
Randall and Benny are very special to so many people around the world and they are so very special to our Lord. He is looking down on you, Teri, and Randall and all your family. Randall and Benny are in very good hands. I ask for abundant blessings on Randall and Benny as they continue on their journeys to wellness, which must seem to be very long.The Lord will never leave you so you can rest quietly.
I will check in on Randall and Benny everyday.
Karen Kirschner
PS - the attachment is a picture of Benny. I hope it worked. I'm sending a picture of Randall to Benny's family as well. It just seems as though they have some sort of connection in the name and glory of the Lord!