Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hello from Scottsdale


I just called the church office a little while ago to get an update on you…Jacque was kind enough to give me your blog address and several others. I have been praying for you ever since Larry announced in church about your accident and the grim outlook. I had faith that, with prayer, you would recover and I have just read everything I could find on the blog. I had no idea you had made such phenomenal progress and I am thrilled!!!

Congratulations on your third wedding anniversary! Teri sounds like such an awesome person and a strong Christian. Bob and I are so happy for you all! We will keep you in our prayers and pray for the speediness of your recovery to continue.

We wish you all a Very Merry CHRISTmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year. I hope we get to meet Teri one day when you are in town or maybe we’ll get up that way one day. We bought a 40’ motor home last April and have had in out three times. We leave on 12/30/09 with my three daughters, spouses, and seven of our eight grandchildren to go to Anaheim for a week and then San Clemente for 2 days and finally, San Diego for 2 more days. My oldest daughter and her hubby (who is a pilot and returns from Iraq tomorrow for 3 months) have a smaller motor home so we will all sleep in one or the otherJ.


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Monday, December 7, 2009

re: Happy Anniversary

Dear Randall, Teri, Joseph & Elizabeth,

Congratulations and joyful and loving thoughts to you for your 3rd year of unity together. May you have many years of continued love and support together.

I was so happy to hear that your Thanksgiving was wonderful and you were together with your loving family.

This has been such a trying and difficult time, and thankfully you have and continue to have supportive family and friends who will always be with you.

Teri, and Randall, I will pray that your thoughts are of encouragement and also of continued strength and that your love for each other and for God, will help you both to continue on this journey into complete wellness and that you will be at peace.

Loving you both
Jonell Elder

Saturday, November 21, 2009

re: Thanks to giving

Randall, Teri, Joseph & Elizabeth,

I am so thankful to be able to read your posts on how you are all doing. Such great news to hear that you are back in your home and I knew it would be even more beautiful on your return. Such a feeling of relief and warmth to be in your own home and for Joseph to be with you. And I imagine that soon Elizabeth will be home for the holidays. I'm so excited for you to all be together!

A tremendous celebration Thanksgiving will be for you all. I'm thinking your meal my get luke warm by the time you all say your thanks. Thanks to the giving that has come to you from across the globe and from our Father and for the continual prayers that are scent (tee hee) to the heavens for you all.

My prayers are huge for you all and may you know and feel the blessings surrounding you. May you Randall be released of all fears and may your healing continue to bring you to total physical, spiritual and mental wholeness.

May you all feel the comfort of Gods love and the joyfull love that you all share together.

Precious is time together and precious is the love that we are all blessed with.

Blessings to you all
Jonell Elder---Call 425-343-9714
Young Living ID# 759381

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Aloha Teri and Randall ~
I've been thinking about you both. I am so amazed at Randall's recovery and wish you both strength and peace as you continue on this healing journey. Randall has come so far already - just remember he will continue to heal as time goes on. I'm sure his memory and emotions will continue to improve as his body heals. Teri, it is so inspiring how much faith and patience you have. I have so much admiration for you. Randall - your will is immense and you will get through this hard time like a shining star. We are sending you tons of love and prayers. We want you to be at the next family wedding!! No date yet, but I'm sure Taylor & Una will be getting married soon.
Much love & aloha ~

Windows 7: I wanted more reliable, now it's more reliable. Wow!

my connection once again

Hey guys,
I listen to the Power Hour everyday....about 9 years ago, my son committed suicide and left three children behind that we fought for because of an abusive stepmother,,,,,we lost all but one...the other two continued to struggle in and out of abuse and to this day are still very much abused...I was very angry with God, my church, anyone who tried to comfort me...I felt lonely, isolated, and had no where to turn...God sent me many messages, but they weren't enough. I went through depression hiding it from my family who thought I was doing okay when inside I wanted to scream. My turn around came from some missionaries from my church who came to visit me one day. They were invited back and about the third visit one of them read me a scripture after I told her my spirit was molting, I no longer felt the spirit in me....I do not remember the scripture, they are trying to get ahold of her to get it, but it was actually a need to move on, get over your anger, get reconnected to God....she made me an appointment with our Bishop which I was reluctant to do because the last one had done nothing to help me..I went anyway...he was the kindest person I have ever met, he listened, he told me that what had happened wasn't my fault, God is taking care of my son, and that I needed to reconnect to feel the holy spirit in me for healing. I felt so much better and made him a promise to come to church, but it didn't happen right away....I put it off and then one Sunday I said to my hubby, I made a promise I need to keep. I went to church and this man greeted me with tears along with a few of my other friends I hadn't seen in about 9 years...I was so taken back that anyone cared about me, I was overwhelmed....they told me as I walked across the room to greet them there was a light around me and that was what made them cry...they knew I was making the connection again. I am still working at it and some days are still bad, I do pray now every day, sometimes the prayers are answered, sometimes not...the bishop told me all the prayers for my other son who is an alcoholic were being answered, maybe he hadn't stopped drinking, but all the accidents and near misses meant God had spared him because of my takes work to reconnect and to go through things.....I know the two of you will make it, your story is beautiful. Let's try to bring back to God all the ones who have fallen away because of hurt feelings, isolation, feeling no one cares about your hurts....we need to care about each other and just think if the whole world were just like those who want to share that God lives what kind of a world would it be then? Each of us can reach out...I wish you both well.....
Sally in Fredericksburg

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

re: Wow!!

Randall, Teri, Joseph & Elizabeth,

Wow Randall!! Such amazing progress you are continually making. I am so proud of you for how hard you are working to get to total wellness.  And how Teri is right beside you all the way and doing all she possibly can to help you on with your healing. The love that you and Teri share is what I wish everyone could experience. For better or for worse, in sickness and health.  You both have shown God your strength and faith and love in Him.

I am sure your doctors and nurses are so happy for the recovery you are making, and I would imagine the doctors are a bit amazed and thankful, at your healing.

In the Healing Oils of the Bible, by David Stewart he said, as you know;

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

"Word is vibration, a frequency, a consciousness, an expression of energy.  When God created the plants by His speaking voice, He imbued them with His Word and His intelligence.  This includes the oils of the plants which he intended, from their very creation, to become our medicines when we need healing."

We know that is what is so special about Young Livings essential oils.  They contain power from God's Word.  And adding our prayer and intention makes them even more Godly and wonderful.

I love you all and you are in my waking prayers and my prayers before I go to sleep.

May you all be continually blessed, kept safe, healthy, happy and grateful.
Jonell Elder---Call 425-343-9714
Young Living ID# 759381


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Dear Randall and Teri,
We are so happy to hear and read that you are doing better. We appreciate being able to read the blog--thanks so much Teri. Best wishes to you all.
Gene and Sue
Sue Lefebvre
No More Deaths
3760 W. Morgan Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85745
623-225-8553 (cell)


Hello Secrest family!!! I can't describe how wonderful this ultimate victory is! God is truly a worker of miracles! I have been closely following your blog while I and my family have kept you all in continual prayer. I am truly inspired by Randal conquering this injury, this is quite a testament to prayer, Faith, and God's wondrous works! All the good news is so very exciting!

Much Love and Blessings,
Jontrea Elmore

Thursday, September 24, 2009

re: Halleluah

Randall, Teri, Elizabeth & Joseph,

Halleluah!! I was at convention and was able to meet Robin, her husband and Jan. That was on Wednesday and how wonderful to meet these beautiful people that have been there for you all.

Jan told me that she played rummy with you Randall. And also shared that you should be going "home" very soon. And yes indeed you are. Such a tremendous relief for you to be striving so well on healing.

More beautiful people, your neighbors, taking you in while your home is "remodeled". By the time you all move back home it will be a brand new beginning in so many ways. And you will be totally well and Teri, you will be nourishing Randall with your loving meals and your loving spirit.

What a celebration Thanksgiving will be for you. It is such an absolutely continual blessing of all that our Father is providing for you. I look forward to the next time I see you all to get the hugs I did not reach out enough for.

Praise the Lord for He is Great, and He carries us when we are weak and He surrounds us with all we need.

Love you all and my prayers reach out to you every day.

Jonell Elder

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Dear Teri, Randall, Elizabeth and Joseph,
Our hearts are overjoyed! We feel a true miracle has happened to us all. Today Gene and Stevie were out on the golf course and they received a phone call from Randall! He sounded wonderful. We have been thinking of you and praying for you every day, and sending our love, and now we are full of tears of happiness.We wish we lived closer. We'll be there again as soon as we can. Love, Cindy, Gene, Kari, Doug, Steve, Jeff, Tricia, Gavin and Wade!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Wow! Every time I read an update on Randall the news just keeps getting better! Randall, we're so proud of you and so excited about your progress! Teri's faith has really shone and influenced so many people. We've prayed daily that we will get you back 100% and have missed you terribly. Your experience has given us all a renewed faith in our heavenly Father, and also the miracles of his gift of oils by blessing Gary Young with knowledge of the many secrets of this earth. God is so good!
The light at the end of this tunnel is very bright and close by. We love you all deeply and are very excited to see you!!!
Julie Gram

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear Teri,
I am part of Cezanna's Dream Catcher group-I met you at her convention ceremony in 2006 in Salt Lake City-I had miraculously made it to convention after an emergency Gall bladder/liver surgery I had just had. Since that time, my faith in Young Living and in God opened up like the most beautiful flower that has ever bloomed and continues to be so. I remember that you annointed each of us with frankencense and will never forget your words-you did not know me, but you mentioned that I would be playing beautiful music, and music is what I have always known and is a deep part of me. though I had quite playing cello for 10 years in to raise my daughter and be a full time mom. It was special to me that you mentioned music because I had inclings of wanting to play again. I also rememeber when you first met Randall you sent an e-mail saying that he was a flutist-and my Mom, (who is still living) used to be a fabulous flute player. And that you were so blessed to have met him, as I had recently been through a separation and these words were very encouraging to me at that time-that it is possible to continue on after divorce.
When I heard about Randall's incident, I sent prayers, as I too, fell, last winter, and on my face, emergency room etc...and while I was recovering, was once again, was reminded of the power and miracles in Young Living Essential Oils. At a recomendation Hasso had made, I put lot's of francinsence on my head, and I also used, from my own research, helichrysm, lavendar and cypress on my face for healing the wounds.
Since I just read your blog, I simply wanted to respond to your comment about the verse you mentioned-"His yoke is easy and his burden is light" perhaps you already know this, but this one of the pieces in Handel's magnificent work, the "Messiah." I am singing the tune right now in my head and thinking of you and hoping that you might listen and/or play this piece from the Messiah, for Randall and your family. music, has always been a great healer in my life and I hope it can be in yours and Randall's in this case, too. I am sure there you could look this up on you Tube or perhaps you even have a copy of this in your home. Blessings to you on your journey with Randall-may you both continue to share strength and peace and music in your ever deepening relationship...and may the miracles continue to pour through...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thank you

Dear Randall, Teri, Elizabeth & Joseph,

Thank you Teri for expressing how it is that you are so faithful to God. Your strength is amazing and your faith is unwavering.

I have had times in my life of heartache and questions to God and why my prayers were not being answered. I have been angry at God a few times in my life.. But I know He understands and forgives. My prayers were answered, just at the time, not soon enough.

I will pray for you Randall to KNOW and feel deep within your soul, you ARE worthy and so very loved and so very loving. I pray for you to feel peace within and for your body and mind to be well.

Love you all

Jonell Elder

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Prayers are With YOU!!! We miss Randall...

Dear Randall, Teri, Elizabeth & Joseph:

Today when I called and spoke to Randy, Randall’s new assistant, my breath was taken away! I often call to check on my spiritual brother Randall and we share our lives and dreams together. Although you may know little about me, I know much about your family, your wonderful and beautiful marriage of love to each other and God, Elizabeth’s journey thru Europe, to college and her blessed gift of voice/music, Joseph’s basketball games and Randall’s persistence to help coach and much, much more…

Randall and I met about 9 years ago through the glass industry and a mutual friend. God put us in each other’s path, it was destined for us to become true friends and share fellowship and life as we both have experienced great change in the past years together. His sight of life and what each day means and brings is incredibly positive. As his brother in the Lord, I am saddened at the pain and challenge he has had to face, and you by ever enduring by his side Teri, however we both know God never brings anything into our lives that he is not right there beside us to comfort, teach and heal beyond comprehension of our earthly understanding. He teaches us that when faced with struggles and testing times we are to look towards Him and simply ask for his help, strength and everlasting love. I was even more surprised when I heard about the awful disaster of water damage at the house. Beyond all this, God is there with you Teri and the children too. His triumph will overcome these frustrating moments and soon you will look back and see great wisdom you have gained in all of these unforeseen and unpredictable experiences.

Suzan (my wife) and I will be in reverent prayer for Randall, you, Elizabeth and Joseph to bless you, spiritual and physical healing and most of all strength. Even though we are not there, please let Randall know I am by my brother’s side, as Christ I will be there to pick him up and help him take the steps to recovery he is so anxious to achieve. I truly believe in my heart, knowing Randall and you thru his words, God has tremendous plans for you both and no one can imagine how he will use this time and what you are drawing from this experience.

Randall is like the brother I never had. Humility comes to mind in thinking about this unfortunate accident. I say this from a positive view, as Randall is extremely intelligent, creative, intuitive and analytical and I know he is frustrated, impatient yet determined to overcome the results of such an injury. Sometimes The Lord brings us back to a childlike stage to remind us how much He loves us, like a simple minded child and help us see the purity His spirit will deliver. I laugh knowing what you must be faced with when he becomes a bit difficult, because anyone who knows Randall well, knows his sharp mind and tongue can move quickly with sarcastic bliss. I laughed out loud today when Randy told me how Randall told the Physical Therapist to focus! Ha! Ha! Yep, that’s my brother Randall. But he/she only knew, he meant it with love and kindness. I can reflect his words; “Get me the heck out of here before I grow old and stupid”, right?

Well Teri, please forgive me for rattling on…tell Randall we love him and your family too, a day at a time, one foot in front of the other, in His steps and soon we will once again fellowship and laugh with blissful joy. If all else fells, tell him to just straighten up and get over it! He should be happy, God gave him some more time to create and share more stories, now that’s a miracle.

Blessings of Joy,

Bill & Suzan Manson

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Randall's Wonderful Progress

Dear Teri, Randall and Family,
I am so very pleased to hear of Randall's progress. and so overwhelmingly sorry to hear of your home disaster. The incidents that have occurred in your life the last few months just show us the unpredictability and fragility of life. They teach us that we must always be grateful for our blessings and take nothing for granted. But those same incidents also show us the truly amazing blessing of the faith, family and friends that get us through those difficult times. The Seacrests are genuinely blessed with faith, family, friends and great personal strength. And so, in the midst of all of these immense challenges, there is still much for which to be thankful.
I will continue to follow Randalls progress on your blog, and pray that it is as rapid and painless as is possible.
With many Blessings,
Su-z Heimann

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

re: Love & Prayers

Randall, Teri, Elizabeth & Joseph,

Every morning and every night you all are the first on my prayer list to our Father.

We all may have heard that God would not put into our laps more then we can take. Oh, but what you all are being dealt, is so heart wrenching. The tears are just something that are overflowing right now for you. I am so sorry for all that is happening.

But thankfully you are surrounded by your "helpers" your Angels, that God is continually sending to you.

My prayers for Randall are for healing, physically and mentally, for strong healthy lungs, to swallow on his own and for strength, and to feel happiness and to be free of the anger he is going through right now.

My prayers for you Teri are for good health, continual strength, for peace, in knowing that God will provide what is needed for all to be better. To know that this better time will arrive. And for your continued faith and belief all WILL be well.

My prayers are also for your friends and family that are helping in all ways possible. And for Elizabeth and Joseph to not be stressed or to worry too much. For understanding that God will make it all better.

We all have hard times come our way, and to have our faith is a huge help. And to also give thanks for all else that is good. Randall IS going to be totally well again. The love you share is wonderful. Elizabeth and Joseph are your lights and future. The blessings of friends, family and the excellent care being provided for Randall.

And YES what an excellent idea to start a medical fund!! I know that you would be amazed at how so many others will be able to help you in this area!! A little bit from many would start flowing in and it would keep growing. So many of us are unable to actually be near you to help out in other ways and this would be one way that we could. I look forward to hearing more when this is set up.

You my dear lady, I am so grateful to of had some time with you on the farm. I was so moved by your warmth. The beauty of your being, your soul, shines out to us. And the love that you have for Randall, Joseph & Elizabeth is very apparent. It is very easy for me to understand why so many people are there to help. And more keep coming. You are very caring, sincere and take time for people. And to be gracious to those who are willing and able to help, that is a wonderful quality too. (And of course that is part of your being). Some people have a hard time accepting help....

Anyway, to you all, know that my love for you just keeps on growing every day and I look up to you in awe, with respect and admiration.

I read the following somewhere and thought you might like to read it;

May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Jonell Elder

greetings from your Chaparral family

Randall and Teri,

The prayers of Chaparral have been with you through this “Valley of the shadow.” There’s no denying that it’s a very real shadow. There’s also the promise that it is ONLY a shadow, and that God’s Son shines brightly all around. It’s His light that breaks through. People ask about you every week, Randall. The blog is a wonderful communication means. I called once early on, and realized you all are being smothered in calls. We’re still smothering you in prayers and love. God is at work.

The congregation approved moving ahead with the Prayer Garden, and bids for its construction will be coming in about 2 weeks. There are places designated for works of art by Randall. Without fail your drawings of the wind harp are met with the sound of the intake of breath. I believe that’s called “taking our breath away.” We look forward to moving ahead with these projects as soon as you are able. In God’s time.

May God hold you all in His unfailing hands.


Larry Hostetler and your Chaparral family

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bill Boice Garden Update

Dear Teri and Randall,

The Bill Boice Memorial Prayer Garden is off and running. On August 30th the Chaparral Christian Church Board unanimously approved the plan. This past Friday we had 5 potential bidders walk the site, and bids are due 9/15. The plans reserve a place for Randall’s glorious Aeolian harp and healing fountain. Appropriate utilities will be placed, so all will be ready when Randall is able to complete this project. We showed a picture of the model of the harp and Marion Hostetler helped explain how the wind will play the harp. All present were enthralled.

Teri, as I read today’s entry I continue to marvel at your strength. May God bless you, Randall and your families.


Dr. Martha A. Rozelle, President
The Rozelle Group Ltd.
7000 N. 16th Street, Suite 120, #145
Phoenix, AZ 85020
T 602.224.0847 F 602.678.4655

"And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln

Terri Please Read

First let me say how thankful I am that Randall is doing better. If I may also be transparent on my feelings.....there was a time I thought Randall was headed for life support. I thought things were headed to one of life's most difficult decisions. I was shaken and restless to my core. Today I can breath easier knowing a husband will come home, a friend will once again call and a neighbor will once again wave hello.
I have heard about the continued misfortune in your lives. A stark contrast from one year ago when we had dinner parties and Halloween and fellowship. It seem just the other day you were introducing me to your place and showing me that beautiful house. Again, I am saddened and feel somewhat helpless in these matters. Helpless is an emotion very foreign to me since 70% of my life I fix, patch, heal, help or console others. I am comfortable in crisis but not now. I feel like the network around you is so strong that I have chosen to (for lack of a better term) keep my distance and allow time to heal. I have chosen not to see Randall because of my familiarity with his type of injury and the sensory overload that too much "stuff" can cause. No where near the sevarity, but my several concussions had me in a state of wanting quiet time and a "leave me be" state. It is out of LOVE for the both of you that I have not been too much of a present factor.
However, I feel compelled in my heart of hearts to make you an unconditional offer. I would like to offer you and your family the entire top floor of my house.Randall and you would never deal with stairs. I will build a wheelchair ramp to my front door. I have the tools and wood is cheap. Rent/ worry free. Master bed/bath, Guest rooms (2) and guest bath. As you may or may not know, the older tenants had a handicapped family member. My shower is tiled out with a completely flat floor. No steps. Also it is equipped with stainless steel hold handles and a built in seat. A removable shower head will ease in bathing. Also Randall can come home to a place familiar to him....heck, Randall and I watched cheech and chong in my basement!!!!
As many may come and go as they please.As many may stay.Move as much furniture in as you please. We are young with no kids and very limited obligations. Our lifestyle at this stage is very flexible. My job being the exception. We(Amanda and I) have a very comfortable basement with private bedroom and bath to stay in. We have a separate unfinished "dog room" for our dearly loved dogs to stay in. I ask nothing in return, I ask no sort of compensation ....except to be of service.
Respectfully, Your Friend and Neighbor,
Gary Vaughn
714-469-0304 cell
719-266-8455 home

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Aloha Teri & Randall -
We are so elated to hear of Randall's healing progress. You both are inspiring us all to be grateful for this precious life and to recognize the power of faith and will. Let Randall know I can't wait to see his new haircut and next time I see you both we are going to dance! We are with you in daily thought. Thank you for being such a strong woman, Teri!
Peace & love - Alli, Taylor, Una, Jenny & Cody
PS - I hear you have inspired Mike to quit drinking - two weeks now!

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hello From Sheila Shultz

Dear Teri and Randall
I am so thankful that you are doing better. Joyce and I and Marie Gunther have been very worried.
Get well soon.
Love Sheila

A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check
made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including My life.'

That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who
no longer understand it.'

Thursday, September 3, 2009

When the Enemy Comes like a Flood....

Dearest Friend…

This word came to me from the Secret Chambers of HIS Pavilion…

“The Name of the Lord comes from the West, and His Glory comes from the Rising of the Sun; and when the Enemy comes in like a Flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a Standard—a way of escape—against him.” ~ Isaiah 59:21

Janet McBride

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sending You Love

Dear Teri & Family,
We just recently heard from Joan Marchesani about Randall's accident.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I saw your blog today and marvel at your Holy Spirit strength and conviction....what an example you truly are! I know this journey did not take God by surprize and that He holds you in the palm of His hand.
Rod & I just came out of a personal desert and marvel at God's faithfulness. When we're in the middle of a fire it seems like it will never end. I kept telling myself: "This, too, shall pass"....and by golly, it did! You and Randall will come out of this bigger and better than ever. Look out,'re toast!
God will meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Please give me your number or address and let me know what I can do for you....pick up your son, fix dinner etc. I know you probably won't ask for help....that's why I need your contact info.
You and Randall so blessed us as complete strangers at your Christmas party. You were so gracious, loving, kind, and fun! You two are awesome and you belong to are His kids.
We love you and look forward to the great things God has in store for you....even through this trying time. One day, moment, thought at a time.
I'll keep up on your blog which I saw for the first time tonight and wait until it's a good time to visit Randall.
Meanwhile, be still and know that He is God.
God bless you with peace & joy in believing,
Rod & Deb Howe

Monday, August 31, 2009


Randall, you are showing us the effects of the power of prayer and Divine guidance. You have become our teacher in Faith and are validating for each of us the amazing grace of the human soul in concert with God. I am humbled and honored to have met you and been a part of this amazing journey. The story of your journey is filled with lessons for all. I love you Randall and your beautiful family and friends. I look forward to returning to see you again as you continue to recover.. You, my friend have raised universal consciousness. The Heavens have opened, the Angels are singing and God is watching.

To my beautiful Teri - you are so strong! Thank you for your continued words to us all about Randall. I have to resist the urge to call, because your energy needs to be on Randall and Joseph. But, know that I am always here, always looking in, always praying and standing in awe as I watch this amazing journey. This is Truly "book worthy" and would be an inspiration to so many people.

My Prayers & Blessings for the Highest Healing for all involved.

Robin Gayle

"After the life & the dream comes what matters most, the Awakening" ~ Antonio Machado


Dearest Randall & Teri,
We couldn't be happier for you both. You've worked so hard, and God has blessed you abundantly with love, friends, food and the greatest progress in Randall's healing!!! You remain in our hearts and prayers, and we long to see you both. You are an encouragement to so many people with your faith, believing/trusting in our heavenly Father, and the perseverance to get through this with courage and grace.
We love you so much!!
Steve & Julie Gram

re: Copaiba

Mornin Randall & Teri,

I was going through some notes and thought I would forward this from notes taken during a conference call with Marc Schrueder on Cobaiba.

Marc Schreuder said on the conference call – that copaiba was helichrysum on steroids. He has been studying copaiba for eight years and says it is his number one favorite oil with frankincense coming in at number 2. He also says that combining copaiba and frankincense would give you the highest spiritual and emotional oil blend. Just like sandalwood is considered and excellent emotional supportive oil, copaiba is six times better and Marc calls copaiba sandalwood on steroids due to its high Sesquiterpenes content. He also likes copaiba mixed with a little peppermint for pain applied topically.

Sending you love, healing and peaceful thoughts, always

Jonell Elder

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rejoicing in your wonderful progress.

Dear Randall and Teri, Andy Abbott just sent me your blogging report. That is just great! God does work in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform! Randall, you have been in my prayers two to three times daily, asking for your full recovery from your head injury. I shall continue to hold you up for the completion of your healing, including removal of your tracheotomy tube and cure of your pneumonitis (lung infection).
Well I remember the years of choir practices under Arlyn Brewster, when you and i were fellow tenors; If I arrived late, Arlyn would say, "Wayne Wertz, you're late. Tell us a joke!" And I can still envision you at the OK Corrall class sitting at the table with Mildred May, with your long hair. To paraphrase Garrision Keelor: Get well, do good works, and keep in touch.
Wayne Wertz, M.D.


Dear Teri and Randall,

Many congratulations on getting out of ICU and on the trail of recovery with the rehab!

Father, I pray Your Perfect Will for Randall's recovery. I thank You for the wonderful direction You continue to give Teri, and all those who have come to her aid. Thank You for the Body of Christ at work in so many areas in this situation! Thank You for the prayer of agreement among all of us for the steps Teri has asked us to pray for. Thank You for all You're doing that we cannot see. Thank You that You are knitting Randall's body, mind and emotions back together in better form than they were before the accident. Thank You that You see the parts of him that need restoration just as You saw them as he was being formed in his mother's womb (Ps. 139), and that Your thoughts are precious toward him and Teri.

Thank You, Lord, that You are keeping Teri in the palm of Your hand, and that she is riding on all of our prayers right now. Thank You for the anointing that is on her, and that she is strong in You and in the power of Your might. Thank You that You have given Your angels charge over her and Randall, and the children, and they keep them in all their ways, and in their pathway is life and not death.

Devil you are bound from bringing any more assignments against Randall, Teri and their family in the name of Jesus Christ, and according to the Word of God that says whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven.

Father we give You all the praise, honor and glory for every good thing You are bringing to Randall and Teri, and we pray this all according the God's Perfect Will in the name of Jesus Christ.

We love you!

Dick and Mary


Aloha from Maui -

I am so happy to hear of Randall's progress. We are praying each day for his complete recovery and sending you lots of love! Teri, thank you for being such a strong woman with so much faith. Randall is such a smart & lucky man to be your husband! I have faith that he will be okay. I can't wait to hear that he is talking... Attached is a photo Taylor took in our jungle garden.

Blessings & aloha ~

Alli Waters

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Good day to you Randall & Teri,

I pray for you daily and am so happy to read that you are making such great progress. And how absolutely fantastic that you are in rehab!! Congrats to you Randall!! You are such an inspiration to us all. Your strength, your faith, your love, your humor and your commitment!! Keep up your hard, faith filled work!!

Such a beautiful blessing, Randall, to have your heart filled with love for our Father and for Him to love you so very much. And on this "long and windy road" you are on, to have your sweetheart by your side. Along with so very many family and friends to help you on your way to total healing, and for them to be there for Teri too, and the rest of your abhorring family.

I live in Washington state and just got back from a short trip to the San Juan Islands. And a few weeks ago I was at Neah Bay and Cape Flaghtery. The Cape is the most northwestern part of the US. Oh my goodness the scenery takes your breath away. We are all so, so blessed with all our Father has bestowed upon our earth.

I'm excited for the day when you are totally well again!! What a day of celebration this will be!! Right now you are able to think of and visualize all that you soon will be doing, seeing, touching and creating again.

Every morning and every night I pray my gratitude and my prayers and you, my friend are on the top of my list.

Let the sparkle in your eyes and the smile on your face, brighten everyone's day, and the love shown in their eyes comfort you and give you peace and happiness deep within.

Love you and Teri, Joseph and Elizabeth.

I'm sure you already have it, but if not, perhaps a "Visitor Book" would be great, for all that stop by to see you.

Jonell (from the Idaho farm)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Praying and praying...

Dear Teri,

I am thrilled to hear of Randall's improvement!! I was in tears when
I heard the news about Randall and I have been praying and
praying.... How AWESOME the way Randall, you, and your family are
being MIGHTILY lifted up in PRAYER and LOVE by hundreds of people!!
I will continue to pray for Randall's complete, speedy, smooth
recovery covered by His Grace.

Much love,

Jill Taylor

Dear Teri and Randall
I want to let you know that Joyce Riley, Marie Gunther and myself Sheila Shultz have had you in our thoughts and prayers.
Please know that we are praying for a full recovery and for Randall to be back making his beautiful art work and for you to have the life you shared before with no limitations.
Sheila Shultz

A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check
made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including My life.'

That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who
no longer understand it.'


Dear Teri,
We have been following Randall's situation from the very first moment we heard about it. Mark L. has been praying constantly. I didn't read about him in your blog; was he helpful? He went to great effort to go to Colorado to be with Randall and you. I know you are surrounded with love from your many friends and family. Please know that we are sending our love from afar.
Affectionately, Sue
Sue Lefebvre

Got the GREAT news on Randall’s improved condition—please let him know he has been in my prayers daily and I will continue to pray for his complete recovery !!!!!!!


Milton M (MIKE) Masson

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Cor. 12:26

Hi Teri,
It was a little hard for me to see Randall Wednesday, only because my
heart ached for you and he. Yet at the same time I was so thrilled to
see the brightness in Randall's eyes and the expressiveness of his
face and to hold his hand and feel him squeeze mine. To me his face
had a radiance and I was greatly encouraged. Teri, Michelle and I
just want to remind you of the many fellow members of the body of
Christ that are praying for you and Randall. We want to encourage you
that many, many of us remember I Corinthians 12:26,
-- that when one member of the body of Christ suffers all members
suffer with them, and we also are here to "bear one another's
So we stand with you Teri and we kneel with you. Remember all your
friends and loved ones who are continuing in prayer and fasting for
Randall and you. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ.

In Christ in love,

Chris and Michelle

Randall is looking great

Congratulations to Randall on moving out of ICU, this is great news! He really does look great (although may need a haircut soon...) While the journey ahead is still long, this shows he is still strong as ever, and determined to get through this. And a huge part of that goes to the amazing support he's received, all the visits and encouragement you've all showered upon him when he's needed it the most. You know that even through the worst of it, he could hear you and sense your positive presence, and had a constant reminder of the wonderful family and friends that are waiting for him. The doctors and staff have done a great job, but your positive support really has made the difference! And thank you for keeping everybody up to date with the blog. Our very best wishes for Randall to continue his excellent recovery, and we're right across the street if you need anything!

Neighbor John and Sha

P.S. Seeing pictures some people posted here, what would you think of cheering up Randall's room with a digital photo frame of friends and family pictures? I've started a page where anyone can post pictures they have, and we can stick them all on a digital frame and bring it in for him. I can bring Joseph a memory card to put any pictures you guys have to get it started. If you want to do this, feel free to send people to to post their pictures; or if you already have a flickr or other account with pictures we can grab them from there as well.

Request for the Prayer Warriors

I was blessed to visit with Randall this morning. I sat him for three hours and I was able to talk to him, pray with him, and anoint him with oils. We also went out to the courtyard. What a mighty God we serve.

After physical therapy, his nurse, Jenny, told me that they are waiting for a bed upstairs in the physical therapy ward so that Randall might be transferred there. Once he is transferred, he will no longer need to have as many tubes and wires on him and he will go through much more intensive physical therapy—3 hours a day.

I told Jenny that my new prayer would be for a patient in the physical therapy ward to heal quickly so that a bed would be available for Randall. I hope you all will join me in this prayer.

With Love,

Jody Tully

From T-Bone Resler

Dear Randall, Andy Abbott called me last night regarding your encouraging progress and I know many of your friends in OK Corral will be happy to get this news. I get phone calls during the week to see if I havve any additional information regarding your condition. You and Terri have been in my prayers and the prayers of your OK Corral family and we know God's healing hand is reaching out to you and His angels are watching over you. Keep up the good work, you can do this. Your friend Penny Newhall sends her love and best wishes.Penny and I are back on track after a little detour. God Bless

T-Bone Resler, President, OK Corral Bible Class

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

From Carol

Dear Randall & Teri,

I so want to come up to see Randall but so far have not been able to come
up with anyone that can stay over with Jon. I have so many photo's and
would like to send them on to you. Most are from some of our trips and
will show you how cute Randall looked with short hair. They also show some
of our communion services each Sunday we were gone. I also have about
three pics of Randall when he was a kid. He was really geeky! He sure
grew up cute tho. If I can find someone to stay over with Jon, I will let
you know. I'm so happy to hear he is able to sit in a chair and is making
his silly faces at you. You must be sooo encouraged.

Give Randall a kiss and hug from me and let him know I am constantly
praying for him & lov him.

My love to you both,


PS Is this a correct address for you? 10604 Black Elkway, 80908?

PSS I wish someone had taken a couple of pics of me brushing Randall's
hair on the tour buses. I'd put it in pony's from high up to down where he
wears it,. The only thing he wouldn't let me do was put it in two
pony's: one on either side. I would, however, brush it down over his face
and he would look like a perfect cousin It.

What wonderful news!!!

We are so excited about Randall's progress. You go man! We spent much of Sunday with Randall, and he was very tired. We weren't even sure he knew it was us, but he squeezed Julie's hand hard every time he was awake. What a turn for the absolute better! We continue to pray for you both dear Teri and know our loving Father is hearing our prayers. Randall, we are so proud of you! You are a cherished friend, and we're just so thrilled to hear this great news! Yeah, Teri - what a great and loving wife you are!
With much love & hugs!
Steve & Julie Gram

The Williams Hold You in Our Prayers

Randall and Teri,

Since we first heard of Randall’s injury, we have prayed for you daily. We know that God uses all things to move us deeper into His grace. In a time of such trial, know that you are deep in His grace indeed.

We pray that God will not only heal, but also restore Randall. How encouraging to hear of his great progress so far!

Teri, we pray for you and your beautiful children too. You must be exhausted. May God bless you with strength, and courage, and sweet rest.

I am reminded of Exodus 14. At this point in their journey, many of the Hebrews were weary and began to cry out against Moses and against God. God led them to the see where they perceived they had reached a dead end. Their complaints rang out, “Why would you lead us out here to die? Were there not enough graves in Egypt?” God, through Moses, told the people to “Be still and I will fight for you.” In a most amazing way, the Lord parted the Red Sea, led the Israelites across, and allowed the water to come crashing down on the Egyptian warriors.

The people had no concept of the miracles God would use to provide for them. They could not see as God sees. They did not realize that his miraculous intervention would stop the Egyptian pursuit forever. They could not see how they would cross the sea. They did not understand just who was fighting for them.

Of course, you are not in a battle of this kind, but the principle holds true: let God fight for you. He is greater than your enemy. He is greater than your circumstance. He is greater than Randall’s injuries. He is the great physician and He is already revealing His power in Randall’s healing.

Blessings and Love to you all. We continue to pray.


Steve & Cherie Williams

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

God's Healing Power

Dear Teri and Randall,
I just read the journal entry from Cindy today and I am smiling all over! Larry and I are so grateful and excited about your progress. Randall, you are a champion and a fighter. Keep moving those fingers and toes and smiling at the staff. I can just see Teri cheering you on. You couldn't have a better cheerleader! Before you know it you'll be singing and dancing again. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers and we will be down to see you again soon. Much love, Jill and Larry

prayers and thoughts


I pray and do Reiki every night while thinking of you, Randall and other people I know who I support. I think it is changing my life. I am responding and others are responding differently to me at work! So this journey you are on with Randall is creating a positive journey for me as well. Thank you for this!

In reading your blog, I am struck how it must be difficult to watch him, and feel what this is like for him. This is what my wife would do. I tell her not to, I will work it out, I just need for her to be there on the journey with me. But, she has a hard time changing her way of caring. I love her for it and accept this way of her expressing her love.

I am not her keeper. God is, and I allow God to do God's job, and I walk with both of them.

Please continue to set up time to take care of yourself. Walk, exercise, enjoy! This is the freshness you bring to Randall. He does not need to worry about you as well as himself!

Donald Toomim
Supporting the best people becoming their best.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Randall Makes Me Laugh

Hi Teri,

Young Living Recently posted this fabulous picture of Randall on the Flickr Site. Happy Times with the Diamond Club in the Grand Caymans. This picture makes me laugh, and I envision Randall as the “anointed clown” to cause much laughter for all of us very soon. Keeping “Trust” together…

“A Merry Heart Does Good Like a Medicine.” ~ Proverbs 17:22

Janet McBride

'Randall's Journey - I saw you dance together!

Dear Secrest Family:

Our last moments together were so happy and wonderful at Coeur d'lene, Idaho in the lounge the night before we left for home. Watching you both dance, wrapped in each others arms - an beautiful expression of love and devotion. The whole world seemed to stop as we enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere with our families. Cherise and Elizabeth enjoyed singing and dancing together. My husband Gus and Randall talked for quite sometime together. It was a special moment in time.

On August 17th Gus was rushed to hospital with kidney failure. He survived. The doctors explained that often a heart attack or stroke ensues when the kidneys fail but he has a strong system. My daughter never left her Dad's side. He is recovering very well, but is still very week. Thanks to the oils and other wonderful products.

Carol Howden
has been very helpful. She lives in Nanaimo. BC. Her son suffered severe head trauma - blood was( seeping out of his eyes and ears). With the oils and the Wellness Pro Tens machine he survived and has no brain damage. I told her about Randall's fall and she was concerned, If you would like to call her the number is 1-250-585-8200 (home), Cell 1-250-816-7117; 1-805-208-6628; and 1-805-217-5511.

Cherise's enthusiasm for the oils has become electrifying. She wants to meet her goal of reaching the team distributor bonus this month and hopes to sign up 6 people. At the law firm where she works she said that she gets excited when someone complains of a headache or jaw bone ache or cramps - or even complains of being over weight. We greet her at the door and ask, "What experiences did you have today?"

We look forward to convention and hope to see you there as a family.

Love Lynn Chouinard

Something I hope to help...

I received this from an aunt today and thought how fitting. I hope you find strength in its message. Blessings, Mary

Keep up the great work Randall

Terry and I are amazed at how well Randall is doing and so pleased to read the updates of his progress. Your love and faith will certainly bring him through this along with the healing properties of our fabulous oils and the awesome team of healers that have rallied around you. We feel encouraged each time we read your notes and appreciate you doing them even though we know how exhausted you are you are still reaching out to let all of us know how things are going. Having only had the opportunity to meet Randall I appreciate getting to know him through your eyes and from what Jan has shared with me since he's come into your lives. He is an amazing person with a loving and giving soul as are you and your family. Thank you again for the updates - please send our love to Randall and the rest of the family. We continue to keep you all in our prayers and feel confident that his progress will continue to improve daily. God bless, Mary and Terry Schmaltz

for Jan, Teri. and family..............

Dear Jan,
I just found out this week about your brother-in-law Randall and I want to let you all know that I am holding him, Teri, and all of you, in the light for healing.
Linda told me the story and it is rather amazing the circumstance of events - sure seems like there is a Divine hand in here somehow - although maybe not easy to see.
My clinical nursing specialty was in Intensive Care and Neuro ICU (NICU) ~ So I'm familiar with the process (as Linda explained it to me) of monitoring ICP (intracranial pressures) and the ventilators, the induced coma - the neuro checks, etc, etc, etc.............and I know it must be so difficult for all of you , and especially Teri, to be going thru this - but if this is any consolation, I can tell you that I've seen remarkable recoveries and I trust that your hope and faith along with everyone's prayers and God's Divine Design Randall is sure to have an amazing healing process.
Please know that I am keeping Randall, Teri, you, and your entire family in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Marilee Tolen

Marilee Tolen RN

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Randall and Benny

Dear Teri,
You don't know me but I heard you speak in the Dallas area last year (fall, I think). I was down there visiting my sister and I took her to the YL mtg.
Now, the reason for my email. I have been following Randall's progress and I just have to tell you about a little boy named Benny from the Brainerd, MN area. The very day after Randall's terrible fall, 3 1/2 year old Benny was riding his tricycle and collided with his neighber's car as he backed out of the driveway.Terrible, terrible injuries including the brain.. It has been incredible to follow both Randall and little Benny in their daily struggles.
Just like Randall, many people all over the world are praying for Benny. Just like Randall, Benny got pneumonia in the hospital. Just like Randall, Benny has someone very special to sing to him - his Mom sings in church and together with Benny's Dad, they started a ministry in downtown Brainerd in an area surrounded by bars. As a matter of fact, they were all packed to move to Nebraska to start a similar ministry. I'm so glad Elizabeth Rose sang for her Dad. Since she has returned to college, I hope you still play her music for him. Surely, the angels in heaven are singing through her voice.
Randall and Benny are very special to so many people around the world and they are so very special to our Lord. He is looking down on you, Teri, and Randall and all your family. Randall and Benny are in very good hands. I ask for abundant blessings on Randall and Benny as they continue on their journeys to wellness, which must seem to be very long.The Lord will never leave you so you can rest quietly.
I will check in on Randall and Benny everyday.
Karen Kirschner
PS - the attachment is a picture of Benny. I hope it worked. I'm sending a picture of Randall to Benny's family as well. It just seems as though they have some sort of connection in the name and glory of the Lord!

We are still with you every day

Dear Teri:

We are so happy to hear that Randall continues to steadily improve.
Steven and I have been thinking about you all alot. Our hearts are
certainly with you and your entire family.

It seems that a lot of love and support is flowing in your direction.
We were so very happy to hear this as, although we just connected at
the farm, Steven and I thought you all lovely. We were impacted by
your obvious good hearts and sincerity and we really enjoyed getting
to know you at St. Maries.

I have been working on Randall every morning from 9:30 am to 10:30
am Calfornia time since I heard about his accident (I guess it was
within a few days of the accident). When I first started my healing
practice, my first teacher used to have me work on all her people
astrally and then report what I saw. I haven't worked this
concentrated on someone, from a distance, in a long time. So please
let him know, if he has a sense of something going on around that
time, it is me coming in. Of course, this isn't what any of us had in
mind when we spoke about sessions, but the universe works in
mysterious ways.

I didn't know about the blog for sometime, so I was working in the
dark, without seeing or hearing what was going on from your end. It is
very exciting to see that what I perceive in my vision is pretty close
to what is happening in your world. I continue to see improvements and
can still see areas, where I need to keep working. I will stay at it
and look forward to hearing about Randall's progress.

I also finally got to go on Randall's website and see Randall's
amazing art. Wow! We had no idea how gifted he is.

Please tell Randall & Joseph that we are looking forward to a hard
core river rafting water fight again, so tell Randall that we are
counting in his continuing improvement so we can give Gary another
good shower (smile).

Hugs to you, Randall, Joseph and Elizabeth (wow what a voice)

May God continue to bless you and your entire family.

With much love and continuing support,

Carla Sridevi & Steven Cohen