Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear Teri,
I am part of Cezanna's Dream Catcher group-I met you at her convention ceremony in 2006 in Salt Lake City-I had miraculously made it to convention after an emergency Gall bladder/liver surgery I had just had. Since that time, my faith in Young Living and in God opened up like the most beautiful flower that has ever bloomed and continues to be so. I remember that you annointed each of us with frankencense and will never forget your words-you did not know me, but you mentioned that I would be playing beautiful music, and music is what I have always known and is a deep part of me. though I had quite playing cello for 10 years in to raise my daughter and be a full time mom. It was special to me that you mentioned music because I had inclings of wanting to play again. I also rememeber when you first met Randall you sent an e-mail saying that he was a flutist-and my Mom, (who is still living) used to be a fabulous flute player. And that you were so blessed to have met him, as I had recently been through a separation and these words were very encouraging to me at that time-that it is possible to continue on after divorce.
When I heard about Randall's incident, I sent prayers, as I too, fell, last winter, and on my face, emergency room etc...and while I was recovering, was once again, was reminded of the power and miracles in Young Living Essential Oils. At a recomendation Hasso had made, I put lot's of francinsence on my head, and I also used, from my own research, helichrysm, lavendar and cypress on my face for healing the wounds.
Since I just read your blog, I simply wanted to respond to your comment about the verse you mentioned-"His yoke is easy and his burden is light" perhaps you already know this, but this one of the pieces in Handel's magnificent work, the "Messiah." I am singing the tune right now in my head and thinking of you and hoping that you might listen and/or play this piece from the Messiah, for Randall and your family. music, has always been a great healer in my life and I hope it can be in yours and Randall's in this case, too. I am sure there you could look this up on you Tube or perhaps you even have a copy of this in your home. Blessings to you on your journey with Randall-may you both continue to share strength and peace and music in your ever deepening relationship...and may the miracles continue to pour through...