Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Prayers are With YOU!!! We miss Randall...

Dear Randall, Teri, Elizabeth & Joseph:

Today when I called and spoke to Randy, Randall’s new assistant, my breath was taken away! I often call to check on my spiritual brother Randall and we share our lives and dreams together. Although you may know little about me, I know much about your family, your wonderful and beautiful marriage of love to each other and God, Elizabeth’s journey thru Europe, to college and her blessed gift of voice/music, Joseph’s basketball games and Randall’s persistence to help coach and much, much more…

Randall and I met about 9 years ago through the glass industry and a mutual friend. God put us in each other’s path, it was destined for us to become true friends and share fellowship and life as we both have experienced great change in the past years together. His sight of life and what each day means and brings is incredibly positive. As his brother in the Lord, I am saddened at the pain and challenge he has had to face, and you by ever enduring by his side Teri, however we both know God never brings anything into our lives that he is not right there beside us to comfort, teach and heal beyond comprehension of our earthly understanding. He teaches us that when faced with struggles and testing times we are to look towards Him and simply ask for his help, strength and everlasting love. I was even more surprised when I heard about the awful disaster of water damage at the house. Beyond all this, God is there with you Teri and the children too. His triumph will overcome these frustrating moments and soon you will look back and see great wisdom you have gained in all of these unforeseen and unpredictable experiences.

Suzan (my wife) and I will be in reverent prayer for Randall, you, Elizabeth and Joseph to bless you, spiritual and physical healing and most of all strength. Even though we are not there, please let Randall know I am by my brother’s side, as Christ I will be there to pick him up and help him take the steps to recovery he is so anxious to achieve. I truly believe in my heart, knowing Randall and you thru his words, God has tremendous plans for you both and no one can imagine how he will use this time and what you are drawing from this experience.

Randall is like the brother I never had. Humility comes to mind in thinking about this unfortunate accident. I say this from a positive view, as Randall is extremely intelligent, creative, intuitive and analytical and I know he is frustrated, impatient yet determined to overcome the results of such an injury. Sometimes The Lord brings us back to a childlike stage to remind us how much He loves us, like a simple minded child and help us see the purity His spirit will deliver. I laugh knowing what you must be faced with when he becomes a bit difficult, because anyone who knows Randall well, knows his sharp mind and tongue can move quickly with sarcastic bliss. I laughed out loud today when Randy told me how Randall told the Physical Therapist to focus! Ha! Ha! Yep, that’s my brother Randall. But he/she only knew, he meant it with love and kindness. I can reflect his words; “Get me the heck out of here before I grow old and stupid”, right?

Well Teri, please forgive me for rattling on…tell Randall we love him and your family too, a day at a time, one foot in front of the other, in His steps and soon we will once again fellowship and laugh with blissful joy. If all else fells, tell him to just straighten up and get over it! He should be happy, God gave him some more time to create and share more stories, now that’s a miracle.

Blessings of Joy,

Bill & Suzan Manson