Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Healing for the Randall and Teri

Words of Encouragement, Health and Healing for you and your family.

In reading of Randall's current situation... I can only imagine what is going on in your mind. As a fellow YL oiler... remember to oil yourself everyday... and your husband... although the doctors may not feel this is good...but by you oiling yourself... you are also helping your husband to heal :)

Teri, I also am a Healing Touch Practitioner and many say that I have Shaman qualities.... since I first read of Randall's accident I have been sending healing for both Randall as well as the family members. What comes to mind for Randall is Trauma Life and Brain Power... what comes to mind for you, Teri, is Trauma Life and Peace and Calming...

Teri, I have to say I love my oils... for they have helped me overcome some really trying and challenging times in my life when either myself, family or friends needed help... (even though some of them are not open to them)... that along with my healing powers ... has helped people tremendously....

I did take a look at your husband's work... he does some awesome, incredible workmanship... you must be proud of his artwork and designs.... !!

The Universe has been called upon to send love and light along with healing for the physical, emotional, mental, and psychological for both of you.... and the family....

Hugs to you,
Teri Gorbea