Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mary Ervasti

Hi Everyone,

I just spoke with Jan, and Randall came through the surgery fine. They have
implanted a devise to measure the pressure in his brain. That's as much as
they can do now. They just need to see that inflammation and swelling don't

The Lord was ahead of that because He had us pray that last night. In
response to God's hearing our prayer for that, and wisdom, Teri asked the
doctors if she could use Frankincense, lavender, Idaho Balsam fir and some
others that are anti-inflammatory. He said, "Yes. Do whatever you feel you
should do." Praise the Lord! That's favor!

Teri was up most of the night applying these oils to Randall's head and
feet. Randy and his wife (who were there when Randall fell) were there at
the hospital until about 3 a.m. with Teri as well as her two children,
Elizabeth and Joseph.

Teri asked for advice from another professional oils user, who suggested
Trauma Life, helichrysm and some others. Jan and her husband, Skip, are
getting those oils, and are about to leave from Denver to be with Teri.

Thank You, Lord, for the favor of Randy and his wife being there when
Randall fell. Thank You that he was not alone. This is major favor. Thank
You that Teri is not in fear, but is hearing from the Lord, asking the right
questions, and doing the right things! Thank You that Your grace is
abounding in this situation!! Thank You that there has been no excess
swelling, and that there will be none. Thank you for the help of family and
friends who are coming to Teri's aid.

Randall is in this hospital:

Penrose Hospital (North)
2222 Nevado, Room #2024
Colorado Springs, CO

This room number is in intensive care, so it will change, but his name is
Randall Secrest.

Jan said Teri seemed hopeful and calm this morning, and was complaining
about the hospital food! That sounds like a normal Teri! Jan and Skip will
remedy that, and relieve Teri's vigil so that she can get some sleep.

Praise You, Lord, forever more!! You have answered all our prayers so far,
and we know You have no intention of failing us now. Halleluia! You are so
faithful to us, and we are so grateful!! Glory, Glory, Glory to Your name

Thanks so much for your prayers and agreement!


-Mary Ervasti