Wednesday, August 26, 2009

From Carol

Dear Randall & Teri,

I so want to come up to see Randall but so far have not been able to come
up with anyone that can stay over with Jon. I have so many photo's and
would like to send them on to you. Most are from some of our trips and
will show you how cute Randall looked with short hair. They also show some
of our communion services each Sunday we were gone. I also have about
three pics of Randall when he was a kid. He was really geeky! He sure
grew up cute tho. If I can find someone to stay over with Jon, I will let
you know. I'm so happy to hear he is able to sit in a chair and is making
his silly faces at you. You must be sooo encouraged.

Give Randall a kiss and hug from me and let him know I am constantly
praying for him & lov him.

My love to you both,


PS Is this a correct address for you? 10604 Black Elkway, 80908?

PSS I wish someone had taken a couple of pics of me brushing Randall's
hair on the tour buses. I'd put it in pony's from high up to down where he
wears it,. The only thing he wouldn't let me do was put it in two
pony's: one on either side. I would, however, brush it down over his face
and he would look like a perfect cousin It.