Saturday, August 22, 2009

Whisperings of Grace, a Prayer for Randall...


Through trials and fire,
There is a place... there is a healing place...
Marked for you through Christ's blood
A place where Love is all you know
Like a winter morning, covered in glistening snow
A hidden sanctuary
Deep in the Father's heart
A place of cool and healing waters
To drink deeply and be restored
Where rest and serenity never part
Stay... stay... stay in this place
Be blanketed in the Ancient Beauty of our Divine Healer
Remain in this tender embrace through your journey
Find wonder in all that surrounds you
Bathing in His Light...

May your ears be filled with sounds of the gentle sea-waves
And notes of heavenly melody
Angels rejoicing and singing
Of the Miracle that God is bringing
With every blooming flower
And each newborn morning
His glory is ever enduring
And through you He is ever living
His Eternal Love, flows through all things
From the smallest breath of birds
To the roar of the great ocean deep
In Him lies rest... rest and healing
May His comfort be bestowed upon you
His Life be saturated in you
The ever-present and childlike wonder
Resting in the hands of the Great Creator…

We are all behind you Randall…
Your foot shall not slip, for you are sheltered at the Lord's Right Hand.
(In prayer for you the Lord whispered these words to my heart, blessed them and said that they be bestowed upon you...)
With Much Love and Healing,
Jontrea Elmore