Here resides the many words of encouragement that friends and family have blessed us with. These words are life and our family is honored by your thoughtful, loving kindness. Teri Secrest
The friends of Randall and Teri Secrest invite you to take part in the healing journey of Randall Secrest. On August 5th, 2009, the celebrated American artist, Randall Secrest, suffered a traumatic brain injury during a serious accident in his art studio. Randall spent 22 days in intensive care at Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs, and remains in the hospital recovering from multiple injuries.
Randall's health insurance is minimal compared to the enormous mounting bills. We as a community of friends have set up a medical fund for Randall's continued care. Our vision is to partner with1000 businesses or individuals who each invest $1000 as the estimated medical bills will top 1 million dollars. ( all sized gifts are appreciated)
To view the magnificent art of Randall Secrest go to www.secrestltd.com or www.secrestart.com
May you be blessed for embracing Randall and his loving family at this critical time.
Please make your checks payable to Randall Secrest Medical Fund and send to
Randall Secrest Medical Fund
P, O, Box 63777
Colorado Springs, CO. 80962
or you can walk into any Wells Fargo Bank and give a gift to the "Randall Secrest Medical Fund" there as well.
>Questions, please email Robin Gayle Egbert at robingayle.cmt@sbcglobal.net or call 916-802-4694
With love and gratitude,